Emissions Data HOLMRIS B8 continues to report based on emission factors from CEMAsys, ensuring the emission fac- tors applied are valid and up-to-date. The emissions data in this report reflect internal efforts to include more data in our scopes. Thus, the total emission for HOLMRIS B8 have increased tremendously in this report compared to previous reports. In Scope 1, our general consumption has been re- duced by 4.8%. This general reduction reflects our shift toward electrical vehicles, downsizing vehicles, etc. In addition, our heating emissions based on nat- ural gas have been reduced due to closing one of our heated warehouse locations. In Scope 2, we have changed from a location-based to a market-based method. This shift, which dates back to fiscal year 2021/2022, stems from the fact that we purchased RECS certificates for all our fixed locations. Unfortunately, we discovered an error in the reporting for the last fiscal year, which we have corrected in this reporting year. This means our to- tal emission for the last fiscal year was higher than previously reported. With this shift in methodology, our Scope 2 emissions have declined significantly in this fiscal year. We expect this development to continue in the next fiscal year, as those locations without RECS certificates will be discontinued during the next fiscal year. We have added a focus on heating, and the percentage of heating based on renewable sources is currently 60.5%, based on renewable sources such as biogas, electricity, and wood pellets. However, this currently has no influ- ence on our emission factors. In Scope 3, we have added emissions for purchased goods from our suppliers. Emission data for approx - imately 24% of our purchased goods based on rev - enue have been added for this fiscal year. Emission data totaling 26% (revenue based) have been added to the fiscal year 2021/2022 as well. Because most data aren't available from suppliers in time for our annual reporting, we expect more emissions to be added to this fiscal year by the next reporting. To increase data transparency, we have chosen to publish the methodology behind the emission from suppliers. Since there are many different methodol- ogies used, there are many factors for faulty data at this point. We believe the data validity will increase over the next five years, improving both alignment in methodology and data validity going forward. In Waste, we have managed to increase the num - ber of fractions in this fiscal year. We have increased the volume of recycled and decreased non-recycled waste material, thus lowering our total waste emis- sions. This is despite the fact that we have added data previously not included from all our hospitality projects, where we did not handle the waste directly. We have added our HOLMRIS Form/Funk invest - ment to our report. Because we have 40% owner - ship, we have included 40% of the emissions asso - ciated with the company. Included are Scopes 1 and 2 and Waste in Scope 3. Overall, we are satisfied with the progress made this fiscal year, both in terms of reductions achieved data points added. We expect even more data to be available for the next fiscal year. We have used our present impact analysis as a basis for adding new data points. We continue our efforts to reduce our emissions and overall impact in the next fiscal year with SBTi and Net-Zero targets in place. 40
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